среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

Tanya's Townhouse Tour...(Via Made By Girl)

Tanya's Townhouse Tour...(Via Made By Girl)

Hello everyone! How was the weekend for you? Mine was super nice (well, for the most part). The best part was having my mom here all last week & a bit during the weekend as well. Oh yes, & she loved the guest bedroom! I miss her so much already. Sometimes I walk into the guestroom & look over at the empty bed wishing she was still here. But, thank God, I'll be visiting NYC & get to see her again in May!

This Monday I'm back with a home tour....submitted to me by Tanya. Both her & her husband live in a townhouse in Ontario, Canada. She also writes a blog called, Dans Le Towhouse where she showcases all the DIY projects that her & her husband have taken on since buying their first home! She says they still have LOTS to do, but their goal is to make the house a HOME.

I know exactly what it's like...when we bought our first place, we were determined to make it a home and we did 95% of the renovations ourselves. Needless to say, I am done with large renovations. It was a great experience and did save us LOTS OF CASH, but the time it took is the worst part!!

You really have to COMMIT to getting it all done in a reasonable amount of time, or your place will just be in shambles for months! Trust me...I knew people who started a renovation project & NEVER finished it! Anyway, on her blog Tanya gives us a glimpse of what it's like outside of the glossy world of magazines!

Thanks Tanya!

-images via dans le townhouse

Original article and pictures take madebygirl.blogspot.com site

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