Having the right bench is like having a nice belt – it’s not something you want to spend money on, but you need it. Every day when you get dressed, you grab for it, feel it missing, and wish you had one. The amount of times I say “you need a bench at the end of your bed” is insane. If you don’t have room, that’s one thing, but otherwise it’s the most perfect way to put a finish on the room, add seating, and create that ideal plop and drop spot for the 9 different outfits you try on a day before you settle on the same striped boxy sweatshirt and skinny jeans that you wear every day.

What we have found to be the biggest challenge is making sure that the scale is right. Having a dinky little short dude at the end of the bed throws the whole room off (as does a bad belt). So you need to make sure it’s in scale, mostly in length. We rounded up these benches based on size and all different prices points. While there are many more out there, these are some pretty great options.
You officially have no excuse.

I like giving them a little bit of breathing room on either side – 6 – 8″ is enough. And the seating can be lower (like this one) if the top of the bench (the arms) is high enough. The back of a bench can be higher if you wanted to go that route, but otherwise the seat of the bench should definitely not be much higher than the mattress.

The key to all of these is the length. If you have a king bed (80″ wide), make sure the bench is at at least 60″ (but 65-70″ is even better). If you have a queen bed (60″ wide) make sure that your bench is at least 45″ wide. The key here is having the bench be around 3/4ths the length of the bed. Feel free to combine two short benches as well or I’ve even done a bench and a stool or basket – it just needs to equal that 3/4ths rule.
Without further ado, here are a lot of benches sized for your beds. Get to shopping. Your bedrooms are desperate for it.

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Original article and pictures take stylebyemilyhenderson.com site
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